Fry's Food Stores Community Rewards

Do you shop at Fry’s Food Stores?

We recently joined their community rewards program so now every time you shop at Fry’s, they will give a portion of what you spent back to AACO of Arizona.

All you have to do is create an account with Fry’s and under Community Rewards, select the Assyrian American Cultural Organization of Arizona as the organization and shop away!

Assyrian American Cultural Organization

The mission of the Assyrian American Cultural Organization of Arizona is to create a sustainable and far reaching social and educational organization to serve the needs of the Assyrian American community of Phoenix, Arizona, and to spark an interest and love for Assyrian culture and heritage by bridging Assyrian and American culture with outreach and education.

The Assyrian American Cultural Organization of Arizona, an affiliate of the Assyrian American National Federation, is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that is dedicated to being a catalyst and guide for Assyrian youth and professionals to achieve harmonious, brotherly love and unity, and to build strong networks for the social and educational advance of our community.

Seyfo Center's Survey Results of Assyrian Community in Arizona


January 2021 Water Drive