Assyrian Billboard in Arizona?
Every year, for the Assyrian New Year, we host celebrations. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the past two years of celebrations have been virtual or have been cancelled.
This year, we wanted to do something different and bring a sense of pride, not only to the greater Assyrian community in Arizona, but also raise awareness locally in the Phoenix area. Therefore, we decided on purchasing three digital billboards to display a design suited for the Assyrian New Year!
A competition will be held with artists/designers and two winners will be announced, each receiving a $250 cash prize reward. These designs will showcase the Assyrian culture and the Assyrian New Year celebration.
This is exciting to see as it has never been done before in the state of Arizona and we hope to raise awareness about the Assyrian community.
For anyone interested in submitting a design, the deadline is March 13th. You can find out more information here. You may also receive feedback on a draft of your design prior to the final submission on March 13th, by submitting a design concept by February 28th to
If you’d like to donate towards the billboard, you can do so here and be a part of this campaign. You can also make the contribution in honor of someone or an organization of your choice.